
Friday, May 24, 2013

Partner Update

Thank you all for your faithful encouragement, love, prayers and support. I continue to be so encouraged as I follow God’s call to Spain. Thank you for following God’s call in your life to take part in the work He’s doing in Spain. It is such an honor and a blessing to partner with you. Thank you!

This past weekend, I had the privilege of spending time in the Cumberland and Barron area. It was a refreshing and encouraging weekend filled with seeing many special friends. Reflecting on that time and place in my life, it’s incredible to see how God has orchestrated it all.

Let me back up just a bit for those of you who don’t know the story of how God gave me an internship in Cumberland for my student teaching semester last fall.

Last spring, I was accepted to the University of Wisconsin internship program, which offered education majors an opportunity to intern in a school rather than student teach. Interns got to have their own classroom and received a small stipend, while student teachers had to teach behind another teacher and received no pay. As I looked at the internships available, I saw one in Cumberland for ELL (English Language Learners). My minor was for ELL and my major for Spanish. The director of interns at LaCrosse told me to not apply for this internship because I needed my major, Spanish. I was ok with that because I looked Cumberland up out of curiosity and found out it was in 5 hours from home and 3 hours from LaCrosse!

A few months passed, and it was summer. I was praying about an internship and really hoping for something close to home so I could live at home, be near family, and save money. However, as I was praying I felt God prompting me to ask the Cumberland principal about the internship. I battled with God because on it for a bit because I really did not want to move there where I knew nobody and would be so far from home and school. However, I went forward in faith and emailed the principal and asked if there was any way I could get Spanish practice as well.

The next day, the principal from Cumberland called me and told me more about their school. They were actually offering a Spanish internship! They just needed some help with ELL students. Since I needed practice for both Spanish and ELL, the principal offered to work something out with a nearby school, Barron, for my ELL experience.

I emailed my resume and received another call from the principal a few days later. He wanted me to come up and interview! As I drove up, I prayed that God would make it so clear if I was supposed to be there or not. I needed a clear direction from the Lord to be this far away.

Well, God sure did make it clear. After the interview, they showed me around the school and the classroom that I’d share with the Spanish teacher. She’d teach half the Spanish classes, and I would teach the other half. God made it so clear that I was supposed to be there.

I was nervous about moving to a place where I knew nobody and would be so far from anyone I knew, but I was trusting that God would provide all I needed. It was a difficult time where I struggled with loneliness, but God definitely provided sweet, sweet friendships to help me through it. Not only did I have sweet friendships, but I was also blessed with an amazing church family. Cumberland Baptist Church opened their arms wide with love. Many members invited me to share meals with me and were constantly caring and loving on me. I cannot express all the gratitude and appreciation I have for these people. Without them, I’m not sure I would have made it through the whole semester. God showed me His love and provision as I trusted in His sovereign plan.

I believe God used this semester in Cumberland to prepare me for some of the same difficulties that I will face in Spain. Yet, I know in confident faith that I can trust God and His sovereign hand of love over my life in it all. We’re often afraid of the unknown. Stepping out in faith is scary. But it’s so worth it.

Thank you for stepping out in faith to take part in what God’s doing in Spain!


As I seek to shine for Christ at school, I’ve had a few spiritual conversations with students. Just the other day, a Chinese student that I work with every day asked me if I believed in God. I said, “Yes, do you?” He said, “No.” 

This student continued to say, “I don’t believe God can help when you die or when you need help.” I said, “I do.” He said, “No, I don’t believe that it’s real. So He can’t help me.” I said, “I believe He can help.” He said, “No. He can’t but you can help me when I need it.”

It breaks my heart to hear such disbelief in the amazing power of our God.  Yet, we know he’s not the only one who doesn’t believe. Please pray with me for this student and the others that I work with to come to know Christ. Please pray for those in your life who don’t know Christ, that they too would come to know Him.

Where about other partners?

2 weeks ago, I had the privilege and blessing of sharing a missions minute at the Oostburg  Presbyterian Church. I was baptized in this church when I was a baby, and it was so neat to be able to share how God has worked in my life since then. Having their partnership and being able to invite members of the church to take part in the ministry in Spain was such a blessing. 

At Cumberland Baptist Church, I was also able to share a missions minute during the service and share a presentation during their Sunday school hour. This opportunity to go more in-depth and invite partners into God’s work in Spain was a privilege. If you or your church would like to know how you can take part in the ministry in Spain, please let me know.

Overall, I have over the 50 recommended prayer partners but am now aiming for 100! Many Spanish people’s hearts are hard towards Christ, and we need prayer to ask God to move in their lives. Financially, I have 35% of my monthly partners and 46% of my outgoing cost partners! I thank God so much for each one of them and eagerly anticipate how God will continue to build the team to reach Spain with the gospel.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Pleasing people or God?

Have you ever let the fear of what others might say or think of you stop you from doing something?

Did you not tell the person in line next to you that you liked their shirt because they’d think you were strange?
Did you not change jobs because you feared others judging you for taking a less paying position or a position that wasn’t esteemed by society?
Did you not share your faith with somebody because you were afraid you’d lose their friendship?

Sadly, I know there are many instances where I haven’t done what I wanted to or felt like God was leading me to because I feared what others would think of me. 

God recently convicted me of how I idolize others’ opinion of me. I’ve been seeking to please people above seeking to please Him at times. I’m fearful of others’ negative judgement and losing respect and friendships. This fear leads me to idolize them and their opinion of me rather than trusting the Lord whose opinion is the only one that truly matters. 

As I prayed over the summer and what God wanted me to do once school was out, I really didn’t know what I’d do for quite some time. I prayed about summer school jobs. I prayed about the possibility of nannying for the summer but wasn’t sure if that was for me either. I also prayed about partnership development (PD) full-time. (Although I never understood how PD could be a full-time job before I began this journey, I surely understand now.) 

Eventually, I found out I didn’t get a summer school job. I wasn’t too upset. I was hopeful for the nannying position. Then I found out that the nannying position would be for only 3 weeks rather than most of the summer. I was pretty disappointed. My school loans came to mind immediately. How could I work for only 3 weeks in the summer when I stare at those numbers?

The day before I found out the nannying job would be less than what I was expecting, I was praying about it and felt God leading me to pray for the kids, “Lord, please soften the kids’ hearts that I’ll nanny this summer that they’ll come closer to you.” When I found out the job was only for 3 weeks, I questioned what God was saying to me. Did He really want me to pray for those kids that way? Wouldn’t God provide a full-time job for me this summer? Doesn’t He know my financial needs? God, this can’t be right. I’ll have to keep waiting for another job. Surely, He will provide.

I wasn’t confident in what I was hearing from the Lord. So I wanted to run it by people to see what they thought. Soon, I found myself seeking others’ approval instead of God’s, leaving me in an uncertain mess. 

Thankfully God spoke to my heart through prayer and through a sermon at church. God convicted me of the way I was seeking others’ approval instead of His. He has led me again and again to surrender the desire to please people and instead to seek to please Him above all else. This is such a hard lesson for me to learn, but God’s giving me grace and forgiving me each time I mess up. God’s also affirming His love for me that is so unconditional. His love is NOT based on what I do. Others might judge me based on what I do, but God loves me unconditionally. Nothing I do can add to or take away from His love. This concept is so foreign to our culture, but it makes Christ that much more beautiful. It’s a slow learning process for me, but I’m thankful God cares so much about me that He wants me to learn it. 

So while I know not having a full-time job for the summer goes against what the world has told me, I am choosing to follow what God has told me instead. I’m going to nanny for this family for 3 weeks and trust that God will meet all my needs. Philippians 4:19

I’m excited to use the other time God has given me to focus more fully on partnership development. While I truly have been enjoying meeting with people and developing partners, it’s also been very exhausting to come home from work each day and have nights filled with either meetings, phone calls, letter writing, or thank yous. I look forward to having more time to focus on PD and live a more balanced life. I’m also very much looking forward to family vacations and being involved with church ministries like VBS, Kid’s Camp, and a mission trip with Cumberland Baptist Church. 

So while I’ve taken a stance this time against the world and have chosen to follow God, I know this won’t be the only time I’ll be tempted to seek to please people rather than God. Please pray with me that I learn to delight and believe in God’s love and acceptance of me. As I’m filled by God’s love, I won’t need to seek to be fulfilled by others’ acceptance of me. If people pleasing is something you struggle with too, maybe you can make it your prayer to learn God’s deep love for you too. With Christ, we can do all things. 

I can’t thank you enough for all your encouragement, prayers, and support. I wouldn’t make it without you. I’m so humbled and in awe as financial and prayer partners continue to commit to the ministry in Spain. (Check out the When Am I Going page to see my support status.) I’m so thankful God has created us to do life together. I’m so thankful for YOU allowing me to be part of your team and choosing to be part of mine as we all are part of God’s team for His kingdom. Thank you again! 

Please let me know how I can be praying for you; it’s a delight and blessing for me to be in specific prayer for you. 

Other good things:

Women’s Retreat

I had a great weekend with women from GRC as well as others from the Sheboygan area. It was a wonderful retreat put on my Grace Connection. I was challenged to truly get real with God and was blessed by His presence and love. It was fun to connect with so many godly women and enjoy a time of refreshment. 
GRC Women

Verses God is using to help me grow in this area of people pleasing: